Bah humbug

The 3M Half Marathon is a month away, so this weekend’s schedule calls for 14 miles, with the middle six at half-marathon goal pace. The overnight low will only drop into the 60s, so I am grateful I won’t face an icy run like two weeks ago. But still, for some reason the thought of 14 miles is really freaking me out.

I’ve run four half-marathon races, and I’ve run a couple of 13-mile training runs over the last year and a half. But the one time I was supposed to run a 14-mile training run, I somehow screwed up and only managed 13. So I’ve never actually gone further than that before. Not only that, my last couple of double-digit runs have been miserable for one reason or another. So… I’m kind of dreading this.

20131220-094903.jpgNow, I know that Scrooge changed his ways and became a generous, kind philanthropist. In fact, the mean-spirited guy was really only evident at the very beginning of the story–he started reconsidering his life with the first spirit’s visit. But I think those three spirits might need to visit me tonight, in order to inspire me for tomorrow’s run.

6 thoughts on “Bah humbug

  1. Hope you found the inspiration you needed. I’ve never run longer than 13.1 myself, but the training plan I have for upcoming HM does call for a longer run. It’s going to be ‘interesting’ when the time comes!


  2. Thank you! I spent an inordinate amount of time putting five holiday songs into a playlist–because, you know, that will last for 14 miles. D’oh!


  3. The mental “win” of going out there and doing the run will be worth it once you get home. Let that motivate you. And what really makes a run “bad,” anyway? Even if you go slow, or don’t meet your goal pace, you know the snow/ice throws a wrench in there anyway. Don’t let it get you down! Race day will be better. You got this! (and btw, I totally understand the motivation part, but my husband just reminds me that “you’re always glad you did it when you came home,” and it’s true!)


  4. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! You are going to do great. Enjoy those warm temps too. I wasn’t going to do a very long run tomorrow, but I feel like I should just to take advantage of the fact that the ice is melting! (For now.)


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